Khadgamala Dhyanam on Physical Body

Sree Matre Namaha

Many people ask me what is ‘Upadhi Rahita Upasana’. That means, you don’t need to have a Sri Yantra or an icon.   Even by travelling in the bus or the train you should be able to do this. That means worshipping our own body.  We consider our body as a Sri Yantra and worship the body by reciting Khadgamala. For example, normally Khadgamala is recited as shlokam, feeling that it is in place of Lalitha Parameshwari.

When we are worshipping our body each part of our body can be connected to Sri Yantra and we are shifting our thoughts from the mundane world like the body is made up of flesh, bone, mucus and all these things. It is perishable… instead we focus on the Prana Shakti in the body.

And consider that Prana Shakti existing in that part of the body as Universal Mother in different forms. So how do we do that?  Let us take for example Khadgamala.  First the Dhayana Shloka, you focus your awareness on the heart centre, even in Lalitha Sashastranam, She told:

‘Shreematsinha Saneshvaree’

Singhasana is normally constructed to be at the heart center.  So focus on the heart centre and recite:

Hreemkaarasan Garbhitanala Sikhaam Souh Kleem kalaam bibhrateem
Souh Varnaambara Dhaarineem Varasudhaam Dhautam Trinetrojvalaam
Vande Pustaka Pasaam Ankusadharam
Sragbhoositaam  Ujvalam

Tvam Goureem Tripuraam Paraatpara kalam
Sree Chakra Sancharinim

Here the Sri Chakra is our own body. Who I’m worshipping? That Prana Shakti who is moving in the body and making this body have so many experiences and do so many karmas – I am worshipping Her. You don’t need to know the meaning. Just focus on the heart centre and worship the Prana Shakti.  We are remembering the Rsis and the Seers who brought the mantras to us. They are called Seers because they have seen the mantra. So let us remember the Seers in the dharaha askasaa…they bless us when we remember them.

Where do they bless from?

From the cosmic plane. So imagine that Rsis are blessing you and recite this. The rsis, chandas, beejas, shakti, kilakam  and the devata are remembered beyond the body.

‘Aum Asya Sree Suddha Sakti mala maha mantrasya
Upasthendriya adhisthayi Varunaditya Rishih
Daivi Gayatri Chandah
Satvika Kakaara bhattaraka pithasthita
Maha Kamesveranka nilaiaya
Maha Kamesvari  Lalitha Para Battarika Devata
Aim Bijam, Kleem Saktihi, Souh kilakam
Mama Khadga siddthyarthe jape viniyogaha’

Now here we do the AngaNyasa and KaraNyasa.  KaraNyasa is touching different fingers of our hands and AngaNyasa is touching the six different prominent parts of the body.

Aim Angushtabhyam namah – touch your thumb with your index finger
Kleem Tarjaneebhyam namah – touch your index finger with your thumb
Souh Madhyamabhyan namah – touch your middle finger with the thumb
Souh Anamikabhyam namah – touch your ring finger with the thumb
Kleem Kanishtikabhyam namah – touch your little finger with the thumb

Aim Karatalakara prushtabhyam namah – pass your hands one over the other touching your palms and the back of your hands.


Aim Hrudayaya namah – touch your heart with your right hand
Kleem Sheerase swaha – touch the top of your head with your right hand
Souh Shikhayai vashat – touch the back of your head with right hand

Souh Kavach – cover yourself with both hands as if you are protecting yourself from the cold.
Kleem Netra trayayaoushat – touch your three eyes with your index, middle and ring finger.  The index finger touches the right eye, the middle finger touches the centre, the index touches the right and the ring touches the left eye.

Aim Astraya phat Bhur bhuva suvah om iti digbandha

When you saying that, move your right hand around your head in a circular fashion. When you Phat you clap and snap your fingers in the directions East, South, West and North.

Dhyana Shloka.  The dhyana shloka again is done at the heart centre:

Thaadrusam khadgamaapnoti  yena hastha sthitenavai

Ashtaadasa mahaadveepa  samraadbhoktaa bhavishyati

Aaraktabhaam trinetraam  arunima vasanaam

Ratna  taatankaramyaam  hastaambhojaissapaaSaamkuSa

Madana dhanussaaya kairvispuramteem

Aapeenottunga vakshoruha  kalaSaluthatthaara


Aurnima  vasanaam eeshvareem eeshvaraanaam

Lamityaadi  panchapoojamkuryaath

Yathaasakti moolamantram japeth.


The moola mantra is ‘Aim Kleem Souh Souh kleem Aim’

Aim is at the face, Kleem is at the VakshasthlasSouh at the genitals then
Souh at the genitals, Kleem at the Vakshasthlas and Aim at the face.
You are shifting your awareness into three kutasVagbhava Kuta, Kamraj Kuta and Shakti kuta.

Aim Kleem Souh  Souh kleem aim
Aim Kleem Souh  Souh kleem aim
Aim Kleem Souh  Souh kleem aim
Aim Kleem Souh  Souh kleem aim
Aim Kleem Souh  Souh kleem aim


The Khadgamala,
Aum aim hreem shreem aim kleem souh

Om Namaha Tripura Sundari
Meditate on your heart centre

Hridayedevi  – as I am reading the words you need to focus.  Sit in a comfortable position and focus on the different parts of the body as mentioned in the shloka

Sirodevi  – top of the head

Sikhadevi  – back of the head

Kavacha Devi  – around your body

Netra Devi – the three eyes

Astra Devi – Imagine mother protecting you from all four directions – east south, west and north.
Now fifteen nitya devtaas we need to worship in our bodies.  The position of the nitya devtaas in the body is between Sahasara and Ajna chakra. Imagine, if you cut and open from top of your brain, you will see between the sahasara and the ajna there is a plane.  In that plane you need to imagine a triangle pointing towards your front…so in that triangle each line has five nitya devtas.  There are three sides to a triangle. So starting at the point in your forehead in an anti-clockwise direction, the first line on your left, we have five nitya devtas, at the back five deities and five nitya devatas on your right side.  Fifteen nitya devtas have to be distributed. If this is too difficult to imagine just focus on a central point between the sahasarar and the ajna in the forehead:




Now we have to remember all the great upasakas, great Sri Vidya upasakas who have worshipped Lalita Parameshwari and obtained her blessings on a continuous basis. They are almost incarnations of Goddess Mother.  That you can remember at the heart centre:

Mitresamayi, Sasthisamayi, Uddisamayi, Charyanathamayi, Lopamudramayi, Agastyamayi, Kalatapanamayi, Dharmacaryamayi, Muktakesisvaramayi, Dipakalanathamayi, Visnudevamayi, Prabhakara devamayi, Tejodevamayi, Manojadevamayi, Kalyanadevamayi, Vasudevamayi, Ratnadevamayi, Sri Ramahanandamayi

The first Avarana of the Sri Chakra is being worshipped on your body that is corresponding to your feet.  So the next 28 names we need to focus on around the feet:

Anima Siddhe, Laghima Siddhe, Garima Siddhe, Mahima Siddhe, Isitva Siddhe, Vasitva Siddhe, Prakamya Siddhe, Bhukti Siddhe, Iccha Siddhe, Prapti Siddhe, Sarvakama Siddhe,

Brahmini, Mahesvari, Koumari, Vaisnavi, Varahi, Mahendri, Chamunde, Mahalakshmi,

Sarva Samkshobhini, Sarva Vidravini, Sarva karsini, Sarva Vasamkari, Sarvonmadini, Sarva Mahankuse, Sarva Khechari, Sarva Bije, Sarva Yone, Sarva Trikhande, Trilokya mohana chakra swamini Prakata yogini.


The second Avarana of the Sri Yantra corresponds to your waistline.  So you need to imagine the sixteen deities around your waistline, starting from your frontal part going in an anti-clockwise direction sixteen dieties. If it is difficult, just focus on your waistline:

Kamakarsini, Buddhyakarsini, Ahamkarakarsini, Sabdhakarsini, Sparsakarsini, Rupakarsini, Rasakarsini, Gandhakarsini, Cittakarsini, Dharyakarsini, Smrityikarsini, Namakarsini, Bijakarsini, Atmakarsini, Amrtakarsini, Sarirakarsini, Sarvasa paripuraka chakra swamini Gupta yogini

Now you need to focus on the Muladhara.  Inside the genitals, it’s not the physical part we are referring to.  Actually if you draw a vertical line from the top of your head to the bottom of the body and draw a horizontal line at the genitals place, they both cut at one point. That is the exact point we are referring to as Muladhara.  Just focus on that point:

Ananga Kusume, Ananga Mekhale, Ananga Madane, Ananga Madananture, Ananga Rekhe, Ananga Vegini, Ananga Kusume, Ananga Malini, Sarva sankshobhana chakra swamini Gupta tara yogini..

Now focus on your Swadishtana just above the Muladhara, that is the lower abdomen.  When I say again it’s not your body we are referring to, it is inside the body. Imagine a balloon like body, inside the body, at lower abdomen:

Sarva Samksobhini, Sarva Vidravini, Sarva Karsini, Sarva Hladini, Sarva Sammohini, Sarva Stambini, Sarva Jrumbhini, Sarva Vasamkari, Sarva Ranjani, Sarvonmadini, Sarvarthasadhike, Sarva Sampattipurani, Sarva Mantra Mayi, Sarva Dvandva Ksayamkari, Sarva Soubhagya Dayaka Chakra Swamini Sampradaya yogini

Now around your Manipura.  If you not comfortable with the Chakras, just focus inside your body around the navel:

Sarva Siddhiprade, Sarva Sampatprade, Sarva Priyamkari, Sarva Mangalakarini, Sarva Kamaprade, Sarva Duhkha Vimochani, Sarva Mrityu Prasamani, Sarva Vighna Nivarani, Sarvanga Sundari, Sarva Soubhagya Dayini Sarvartha Sadhaka Chakra Swamini Kulottirna yogini

Now focus on your Vakshasthala at the heart centre:

Sarva Jne, Sarva Sakte, Sarvaisvarya pradayini, Sarva Jnanamayi, Sarva Vyadhivinasini, Sarvadharasvarupe, Sarva Papa Hare, Sarva Ananda Mayi, Sarva Raksa Svarupini, Sarvepsita Phala Prade, Sarva Raksakara Chakra Svamini Nigarbha yogini

Now at the throat centre:

Vasini, Kamesvari, Modini, Vimale, Arune, Jayini, Sarvesvari, Kaulini, Sarvarogahara Cakra Swamini Rahasya yogini

Now right hand – Banini

Left hand – Chapini

Back of left hand – Pashini

Back of right hand – Ankusini

Now the three eyes starting with the right eye, then the left eye and then the centre:

Maha Kamesvari, Maha Vajreshvari, Maha Bhagamalini Sarva Siddhiprada chakra swamini ati rahasya yogini

Now all the mantras we are reciting you will focus on the Sahasrara:

Sri Sri Maha Bhattarike Sarvananda Maya Chakra Swamini Parapara Rahasya Yogini
Tripure, Tripuresi, Tripurasundari, Tripura Vasini, Tripura Srih, Tripuramalini, Tripura Siddhe, Tripurambe, Maha Tripura sundari, Maha Mahesvari, Maha Maha Rajni, Maha Maha Sakte, Maha Maha Gupte, Maha Maha Jnapte, Maha Mahannande, Maha Maha Skandhe, Maha Mahasaye, Maha Maha Sri Chakra Nagara Samrajni   Namaste Namaste Namaste Namo Namaha

And that finishes worshipping of your own body as a Sri Yantra.

Sree Matre Namaha

1 thought on “Khadgamala Dhyanam on Physical Body”

  1. Thank you so very much for this explanation as how it is done in th body. With all due respect sir, Would you mind Please tell me what book has this source. Where is it written? Please kindly reply..Thnks a lot.

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